Tags→ #reactjs
App developed for minting NFT on Ethereum
Mint a NFT collection and ship a Web3 app to show them off
App developed with Solidity for deploy smart contracts
Learn some Solidity, write + deploy a smart contract to the blockchain, and build a Web3 client app to interact with your contract.
App developed with GPT-3 and Next.js
A simple React app that uses GPT-3 to generate text based on a prompt.
App developed with Expo.io & Magic The Gathering
A app developed with Expo.io and the API of Magic The Gathering
App developed with React: Flight and Bid
App developed with React, React Router, and Material UI
App developed with React: cars and taxis map
App developed with Node, React, React Router, Leaflet, Leaflet Marker Cluster and Material UI
App developed with React: My reads
App developed with React and Material UI for the Udacity React Nanodegree
Workshop about React
This is a workshop I made on Ventura24 about ReactJS.
Workshop about Single Page Application
This is a workshop I made on Ventura24 about Single Page Application.