Upload a signed APK to Google Play with Phonegap Build
These are the required steps for upload a signed APK to Google Play with the help of Phonegap Build
These are the required steps for upload a signed APK to Google Play with the help of Phonegap Build
1.- Generate a private key using the management utility keytool
$ keytool -genkey -v -keystore NAME_YOUR_FILE.keystore -alias YOUR_ALIAS -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
More info in Android Developer Guide
2.- Create a new “Signing Key” in Phonegap Build. Go to “Account/Signing Keys/Android” and upload the keystore file.
More info Phonegap Build Guide
3.- Compile the Android app with the new key. You’ll need to put the password that you’ve given in step 1.
4.- Download the signed APK to your local machine.
5.- Go to Google Play Publish and upload the signed APK. Remember update the special property versionCode
in your config.xml